Metrum Live is a separate measurement service that collects and visualizes high-resolution real-time information from the power grid. Installed power quality meters in the PQX3 series are enhanced with the ability to stream real-time data.

Metrum Live offers:

  • Visualization of critical points in the power grid
  • High-resolution real-time data
  • Customizable dashboards


  • Primary and secondary substations (HV/MV/LV)
  • Solar and wind power plants
  • Energy storage
Metrum Live provides a real-time view with customizable dashboards that highlight the measurement parameters you want to monitor. The high-resolution measurement data is continuously stored for analysis both in real-time and historically.

With Metrum Live, both large and small variations are captured in real-time, which can impact the balance of the grid. Access to a more detailed view of the grid's constant fluctuations offers new insights into how the grid is affected by the connection of new loads, but also by changes in weather and wind conditions.

Metrum Live can be used as an operational tool for monitoring the power grid and ensuring that it remains stable and within the correct limits. The application can also serve as an educational tool to show employees and customers how the grid is utilized over time and what effects various load changes have.
Clear real-time visualization of critical points in the power grid – ideal for display in both control centers and reception areas. In addition to electrical parameters, factors such as wind speed and temperature can also be presented.

Need for qualified measurement

Today's power grids face a challenging mix of new loads and production sources far out in local networks, such as electric vehicle charging, solar power plants, and energy storage. To work proactively, qualified measurement systems are needed that indicate where bottlenecks may arise, enabling better planning.

Metrum's measurement systems and power quality meters provide access to qualified data, including measurement of energy, power, power quality, and disturbances.

Metrum Live is a separate measurement service that collects and visualizes high-resolution real-time information from the power grid. Installed power quality meters in the PQX3 series are enhanced with the ability to stream real-time data. Simultaneously, stored measurement data for energy and power quality, as well as reports and disturbances, are sent to Metrum PQ Controller – just as usual.

Enhance your system with Metrum Live

Metrum Live offers a tailored real-time view with customizable dashboards that highlight the measurement parameters you want to monitor. The high-resolution measurement data is continuously stored for analysis in both real-time and historically. This provides significant value for monitoring rapid frequency and voltage variations.

Metrum Live is based on a separate cloud solution and includes a web application with customizable dashboards. The solution is sold as a separate add-on service to existing and new measurement systems with an ongoing monthly fee that includes maintenance, upgrades, and support.

Metrum Live can be used standalone or integrated into the cloud service Metrum Cloud.

Feel free to contact us for more information!