2018 was a record year for Metrum, where sales increased by 65%. A huge interest for power quality measurements and Metrum’s products and solutions, both in Sweden and internationally, from utilities as well as industrial corporations. This increase is a confirmation of trust from existing customers, who buy more, but also new customers who know that Metrum has the leading system and measurement instruments in the world for energy and power quality. The most modern cutting edge and user friendly system,
2018 was a record year for Metrum, where sales increased by 65%. A huge interest for power quality measurements and Metrum’s products and solutions, both in Sweden and internationally, from utilities as well as industrial corporations. This increase is a confirmation of trust from existing customers, who buy more, but also new customers who know that Metrum has the leading system and measurement instruments in the world for energy and power quality. The most modern cutting edge and user friendly system, with the most functionalities and features as well as comprehensive reports. The new instrument product platform PQX3 was also a great part of the sales 2018, where many customers see new opportunities with this instrument, including integrating data to other systems. Metrum’s continuous investment on R&D also show results, where new AI (artificial intelligence) and pattern recognition software applications such as PQ4cast now deliver great forecasts, enable you to predict the future, discover problems before serious disturbances occur. Metrum is the market leader in Sweden, where over 75 of the 100 largest transmission and distribution system operators are using Metrum products. The interest for Metrum products internationally is increasing dramatically, where now over 30 countries in the world are using Metrum solutions. Metrum has its own sales managers for each continent in the world, please contact the for further information: https://metrum.se/about-us/our-staff-members/